What You Should Know Before Buying a Water Dispenser
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What You Should Know Before Buying a Water Dispenser

Published on May 27, 2021 • 4 minutes read
What You Should Know Before Buying a Water Dispenser

It goes without saying that we all need to drink water to survive. It’s vital that we stay hydrated all year round and especially now that temperatures are rising this summer, bulking up on fluids is a necessity to maintain good health. As menial as it seems, but drinking at least eight glasses of water a day is something that most of us forget. How can you encourage yourself to get enough glasses of water? Well, having an accessible and user-friendly water dispenser will definitely motivate you to hydrate yourself throughout the day. Water dispensers are becoming a vital appliance in a Filipino household and having access to safe and clean drinking water is tantamount to good health. Of course, it’s important to check a few things off your list before purchasing a water dispenser for your home. Lucky for you, Condura has recently introduced its water dispenser as part of its new and wide range of small home appliances. If you are in the market for a water dispenser, make sure to consider these factors before you purchase one:

Type of water dispenser

First of all, it’s important to identify what type of dispenser you want to purchase for your home. As part of its newest offerings, Condura has introduced a bottom load water dispenser. To differentiate, top load water dispensers use water containers that are placed on top of the cooler and feed directly into the water tank below, while bottom load water dispensers use pumps used in drawing water up into the tank since the water bottle jug is placed at the bottom. Condura’s Bottom Load Water Dispenser provides cold, hot, and room temperature water. It also features a Thermal Isolation Technology that prevents thermal exchange between hot and cold water. This feature prevents getting hot water in the cold dispenser and vice versa when both features are in use, which sometimes happens in other water dispenser brands.

Water Dispenser Price

Budget always plays an important role in determining your preference and ability when shopping for any appliance for your home. Remember that any appliance you buy for your household is an investment, so you want to maximize it and make it last for years. Top load water dispensers are generally cheaper than bottom load dispensers. Condura’s Bottom Load Water Dispenser comes with a price tag of Php11,000. It comes in a black finish for that sleek design and a stainless-steel front panel that will surely suit your home.


One of the benefits of having a water dispenser at home is that it saves you space in the fridge in lieu of your water pitchers or water bottles, but before buying a water dispenser, you have to make sure that you have a specific location in your kitchen or dining area for you to place it. Make necessary space allowance and don’t place it too closely with other appliances. Ensure that you also have an electric outlet nearby for where you decide to place your water dispenser. Having the logistics of it planned will save you a lot of time and effort in rearranging appliances in your home to make your water dispenser fit your home.

Ease of Use

In terms of replacing the water jug, the bottom load water dispenser wins for convenient refilling. You just have to unseal the top of the water jug, fit the cap and hose and slide it into the dispenser’s base and you now have a refilled water dispenser. Refilling a top load water dispenser can be a bit of a challenge since you have to lift a water jug, that usually weighs 5 gallons or 40lbs, and place it on top of the dispenser. It’s quite difficult especially if you have back problems or are restricted to lift heavy stuff. When it comes to maintenance, water dispensers are low-maintenance units, but you need to keep them clean all the time and replace filters from time to time to keep the water clean and purified. Condura’s Bottom Load Water Dispenser has a child safety lock feature so if you have kids at home, this feature will prevent accidental scalding from hot water. It also has an overheat protection feature for safe use. Condura’s Bottom Load Water Dispenser has a 1-year warranty on system parts and labor and a 5-year warranty on its compressor.

The verdict?

Water dispensers offer safe, clean, and purified drinking water for your household. Having a water dispenser at home makes you drink more water because of the easy access to water and the preference to either have it cold, hot or warm or even at room temperature. If you have a flexible budget, the Condura Bottom Load Water Dispenser is perfect for your home. If you have back issues or you find it hard to lift water jugs when refilling your water dispenser, the bottom load water dispenser is your best bet. Compare the cooling and heating capacities of water dispensers before you purchase one. Check for other factors as well such as power consumption, filters, noise level, lighting system, and more. Remember that the perfect water dispenser for you is the one that will suit your preference and needs. So what are you waiting for? Stay hydrated and drink eight glasses of water every day with Condura’s Bottom Load Water Dispenser. Check out our list of new domestic appliances to see what water dispenser is best for your home. You can also buy it at Condura’s partner online stores.